Veterinary Medical Acupuncture
What is Veterinary Medical Acupuncture? Veterinary Medical Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique, adapted from traditional Chinese acupuncture, that uses scientific knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology for diagnosis and treatment. Fine sterile needles are inserted through the skin in order to stimulate the nearby nerves, increase circulation, improve tissue oxygenation, and relax surrounding muscles and fascia. The local, or peripheral nerves, then transfer these signals to the brain and spinal cord, the central nervous system, which governs all the activities of the body. Why choose Veterinary Medical Acupuncture? Acupuncture promotes health and wellness, but can also be used to treat and prevent specific diseases, and or decrease pain. Conditions improved by acupuncture can include acute and chronic pain, digestive, respiratory, neurological and musculoskeletal issues. |